An Introduction to 4G and 5G

In this blog, we will talk about features of 5G and its differences with 4G. Connectivity is a big issue in today's world and internet speed is an even more big deal, now with 5G here we should give it a look and see if 5G is a big shift in the industry as they say it is or not.

Population density and distance affect the quality of your Internet connection. Many experts in the field of networks believe that 5G will improve all these aspects. Furthermore, it makes better network features like mobility, energy consumption, speed, and range of services. This would be simple hypothetically but has huge consequences worldwide. Improved efficiency in 5G wastes less power than the previous generation 4G LTE. With improved connectivity millions of people can connect to internet through same radar simultaneously without any difficulty. With improved mobility one can connect to internet while being on the fastest automobiles without difficulty.

5G technology is currently included into telecom service providers networks gradually. Soon the fifth generation will be available to the masses, and the question that arises is how far will it change the earth? Knowing the effect of older networks in the past can give us an idea of the effect of 5G in the future.

A brief history of mobile network generations

Each generation of wireless standards has made certain enhancements. What exactly makes 5G be considered the most important leap in the history of wireless communications? Let's take a look at the achievements of each of the previous generations.

The commercial launch of 2G networks in 1992 was considered an unprecedented revolution. The first generation of wireless communications was based on analog technology, and the second generation brought digital technology. It provided the possibility to publish images, media messages, texts and digitally encrypted phone calls over various networks.

3G was introduced to the market in 2001 and brought the wireless capabilities we use till now. 3G brought smartphone technology that enabled us to navigate through webpages, download and upload photos, download videos and also to do other things that were impossible before that.

The gap between the third and fourth generations' technologies has been the greatest in the field of technologies till now. The most important feature distinguishing 4G from the 3G is that it turned our smartphones into powerful computers but portable in our pockets. This big step has become possible through high-definition broadcasting and fast web browsing that we use till this day. With the merit of 4G technology it has been possible for phones to do tasks done previously by PCs or laptops.

What about 5G?

Now we discuss 5G. It has taken more than a decade for this technology to develop and reach a level to enable us to experience higher download speeds and a lower latency to a great extent. Big wireless network infrastructure providers include and configure new technologies in their models.

5G is smarter, more energy efficient, and faster than any of its predecessors. Some experts expect it to be almost ten times faster than your current 4G network.

While the problem of congestion in 4G networks often occurs during peak hours in areas with high population density, 5G will allow more users to connect simultaneously. The fifth generation will eliminate network congestion and allow users to see live TV broadcasts without any problem. Industry experts claim that this technology will reduced latency and increased speed is only the tip of the iceberg for this extraordinary new tech, and they expect that future innovations will use 5G vastly in applications We have not even seen their dream.